Diabetes is a disease which comes when your body can't make or use insulin. Insulin helps change sugar into energy to keep us alive.
It's very hard to recognize the symptoms of diabetes early because the symptoms are easier sometimes are ignored.
Here some of the early symptoms of diabetes which can be recognized in the early stage.
Polyuria (Increased Urination)
One of the very early symptoms of diabetes is polyuria. When the diabetes patients' body can't make or use insulin properly, this causes the sugars to build up in their blood. The diabetes patients' kidneys are forced to work harder than the normal at early so that the kidneys sometimes fail to keep up. This causes the diabetes patients' to urinate more often, people don't even recognize these symptoms early, and this polyuria or diabetes frequent urination causes the dehydration.
The thirst of untreated diabetes is not easily slaked. These early symptoms because of the dehydration kidneys are failed to filter the sugar from the bloods properly so the diabetic feel thirsty more often. Recognize thirst as signs and symptoms of diabetes is really difficult task.
Weight loss
The body tissues melted away into the urine a supposition not far from the modern view. Some of the weight loss is due to dehydration-the rest to reduction of adipose tissue by lipolysis and muscle breakdown recognize this early helps much. Then the diabetic patients' body being denied the calories and that will cause unexplained diabetes weight loss. Sometimes the diabetic may be overjoyed at her weight loss, not realizing that this is one of the symptoms which recognize as diabetes.
One of the symptoms which cant recognized easily is hunger when the body started losing calories through urination, then diabetes body will not absorbs the sugar that makes them to feel constantly hungry.
Tiredness and malaise
Tiredness is an early insidious but one of the frequent symptoms. When the body is not using the sugar properly then obviously the patient feel tiredness. On-specific Malaise may be unnoticed until the treated patient looks back in retrospect. Their friends and family may complain that the patient is irritable and hard to live with.
Visual disturbance
Changes in blood glucose levels may alter the refractive index of the lens, aqueous humour, and cornea and cause blurred vision. The patient's body sometimes takes fluids from the eye lenses causing them to be unable to focus clearly then the vision becomes blurred.
Slow recover
When the diabetes sugar level in blood increasing recognized, then this makes body's natural healing process very slow. The cuts and wounds take such a long time to heal.
Because of above recognized symptoms body of diabetic becomes weak then the immune system becomes bogged down and this causes them more prone in infections and the women find vaginal infection more often.
Recognize early symptoms are very useful to take actions for diabetes. Above mentioned are the early symptoms of diabetes disease and with those nerve damage can also happen.
When people recognize these early they are advised to test and control their sugar level.
Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
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